| Purpose: The Benevolent Support section seeks to bridge gaps in support during the treatment, recovery and reintegration processes by providing an avenue, directly to the service members and veterans in need, for non-government goods, services, and support provided by benevolent and charitable entities. Working through the USSOCOM Warrior Care Program (Care Coalition) recovery care coordinators, the Benevolent Support section assists service members, veterans, and their families with securing grants and other gifts and services to fill those gaps in what the Department of Defense (DoD) and VA can provide. The Benevolent Support section is responsible for ensuring adherence to applicable laws and DoD policies regarding gift acceptance and for vetting individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations, in order to ensure compatibility with all. The Benevolent Support section serves as the point of contact and clearinghouse for organizations seeking to support SOF wounded, ill, & injured service members and veterans through charitable gifts and special events and coordinates with legal officers to develop and validate gift regulations and policies for wounded, ill, & injured service members and their families. Wounded, ill, & injured SOF service members and veterans please contact your recovery care coordinator or liaison with questions. Charitable organizations who are interested in working with the Warrior Care Program to support SOF Wounded, Ill and Injured, please email us at ussocomcarecoalition@socom.mil. |