



 Some Service Members and Veterans are unable to care for themselves and need support from caregivers while other physical needs may be less substantial.  There are benefits available to Service Members and Veterans who require emotional and physical support, or assistance with adjusting to life after recovering from a wound, illness or injury.
The benefits listed are not all inclusive. RSM and family members should discuss with their RCC which benefits they may qualify for based on their particular situation.



Benefit ​Related Links
Wounded warriors and their families can apply & track benefits offered by the VA and DoD using eBenefits
​​•Apply, track and explore eBenefits

•Manage healthcare benefits

​​VA Housing
Loan guarantee
•Learn More about home loans


VA Adaptation
Adaptive auto support
•The VA may provide financial assistance in purchasing adaptive equipment more than once.
Job Skills Training
Provides spouses with job training
​​•Military OneSource: Spouse Career Center

•Military Spouse Employment Partnerships:  Career Portal

Educational Benefits
Post 9/11 transfer

•Learn more about GI Bill

Factors to Consider When Choosing a School

Federal Student Aid

GI Bill Comparison Tool

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

VA Education Forms

​​Special Comparison for Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (SCAADL)
Special compensation to assist in the economic burden borne by caregivers of RSMs.
Special Compensation for Caregiver Support

•SCAADL calculator

​​Veteran Affairs Support
Federal Recovery Coordination (FRC) program, OIF/OEF Coordinators
•Eligibility for the FRC program  

•Support for military families from OIF/OEF Coordinators 

•Find your VA Transition & Care Management Teams

National Resource Directory
A federal government resource website that connects wounded warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them.


​​National Resource Directory

Emergency financial assistance to RSMs who suffer traumatic injuries on and off duty.
​​•Find out if you qualify for VA life insurance

•Read more about Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI)

•Take the VA eligibility questionnaire