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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ SOF_ATL_TE_Logo- 200px.png​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Te​​chni​cal Experimentation
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​​​​​​​USSOCOM conducts Technical Experime​ntation (TE)
ev​ents throughout the United States with​ Government, academ​ia, ​and private industry representation.​​
  • Provid​es a unique opportunity for technology developers to interact ​with the SOF community in a collaborative environment.
  • Identifies potential Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 or greater technology solutions, impacts, limitations, and utilities to meet SOF technical objectives and thrust areas.
13-17 Jan 2025​​
​​​Arctic Technical Experim​​entation​
​14-18 Apr 2025
Collaborative Autonomy​ Avon Park Air Force Range
23-27 Jun 2025 ​Human Machine Interface
​Red Springs, NC

These are NOT marketing events or trade shows, so send your engineers!​​
​​To view the previous Requests For Information (RFI), go to SAM.GOV, click "Inactive", search for "USSOCOM RFI TE Technical Experimentation" ​
For more detailed information on the event and the processes, please review the FAQs/Event Processes.
​​* Please download, the TE Survey,​ ​​populate, and email to address below.​

​Link up with us on LinkedIn!
Share this page via email​​
​​​​​​​​​emailUs.pngEmail: ​ ​Tech_Exp@socom.mil​​