What is Engage SOF (eSOF)?
The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Engage SOF (eSOF) assists the Command with conducting market research, in accordance with FAR Part 10.001, to arrive at the most suitable approach to acquiring, distributing, and supporting SOF-peculiar supplies and services. It is the channel to present information on capabilities to the various Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SOF AT&L) Program Executive Offices (PEO), Directorates and others responsible for the R&D, acquisition, production, and sustainment of USSOCOM material and technology platforms that support our Special Operations Forces at the headquarters. It is eSOF’s duty to match your company’s product/service/capability to the appropriate personnel within the command and schedule discussions or demonstrations if there is sufficient interest at the headquarters.
USSOCOM is mandated to develop, acquire, field and sustain technology in support of USSOCOM mission objectives, through its Title 10 responsibilities. USSOCOM purchases those items which are deemed to be special operations forces (SOF) peculiar, defined in Joint Publication 3-05, Special Operations as "equipment, material, supplies and services required for which there is no Service-common requirement.” These are limited to items and services initially designed for or used by SOF until adopted for Service-common use by other DoD forces, modifications approved by the Commander for application to standard items and services used by other DoD forces; and items and services which the Commander approves as critically urgent for the immediate accomplishment of the SOF activity.
eSOF is NOT…
a way to "register" your product/service/capability with USSOCOM. an automatic meeting with USSOCOM personnel. able to accept CLASSIFIED submissions
Email: eSOF@socom.mil