​​ ​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​avenues for doing business with SOF AT&L​​
​​ ​Established in 1991, the Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SOF AT&L) Center is responsible for all USSOCOM research, development, acquisition, procurement, and logistics.

SOF AT&L works closely with government, academia, and industry in meeting its mission to provide rapid and focused acquisition, technology, and logistics support to Warfighters, delivering the most effective capabilities to our Special Operations Forces
Submit new Ideas and Technology
​​​ USSOCOM uses Vulcan as its Technology Domain Awareness Platform. Joining the Vulcan ecosystem allows you to continuously engage a broad ecosystem of Special Operations Forces (SOF) and their partners in the national security enterprise. Vulcan provides a unique digital solution at the intersection of the public (defense) and private (tech) sectors with demand signals from 1,000+ organizations across the Services and dynamic engagement by developers across the innovation landscape. J​oin the Vulcan ecosystem, here.
​​​ eSOF Logo The Engage SOF Office (eSOF) is the conduit to present information on capabilities to the various USSOCOM Program Executive Offices, Directorates and others responsible for the R&D, acquisition, production, and sustainment of USSOCOM materiel and technology platforms that support our Special Operations Forces at the headquarters. It is our duty to match your company's product/service/capability to the appropriate personnel within the command and schedule discussions or demonstrations if there is sufficient interest at the headquarters.
Technical Experimentation Logo USSOCOM conducts Technical Experimentation (TE) events throughout the United States with Government, academia, and private industry representation. The purpose of these events is to identify and assess new and emerging technology that can help the Warfighter.
contract pathways
Small USSOCOM is an active participant in the Federal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs mandated by the Small Business Innovation Development Act of 1982 (for SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer Act of 1992 (for STTR). The objectives of the SBIR/STTR program are to stimulate technology innovation, use small business to meet federal research and development needs,​ and increase private sector commercialization innovations derived from federal research and development.
Broad Agency Announcements are posted to SAM.gov to provide Areas of Interest (AOI) to Industry and other External Organizations. S&T BAA information is posted on the BAA page and is valid until 12/31/2025. The Biomedical BAA is currently posted through the US Army.
R&D agreement
Cooperative Research & Development Agreements (CRADAs) are legal agreements to provide general and specific access to USSOCOM needs. CRADAs are non financial agreements which allow for the formulation and execution of Individual Work Plans (IWP) between the Collaborator and the PEO/Directorate within SOF AT&L. Questions or Issues, email: discovery@socom.mil
Engage and Connect with us
USSOCOM's Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) is designated to advocate on behalf of small businesses and strives to meet the goals mandated by Congress and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, ensuring equal opportunities to conduct business with the Command. This office should be one of a small business' first contact when initiati​ng communication with USSOCOM.
Located in Tampa, FL, SOFWERX has a very dynamic environment designed to create a high rate of return on collision for all participants. Through the use of our growing ecosystem, promotion of divergent thought, and neutral facilitation, our goal is to bring the right minds together to solve challenging problems.