Holistic readiness
SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound

By: Family - Community -

Start the year with a personal head-to-toe assessment focused on physical, psychological, social/family, and spiritual goals for the year.  SMART goals have a greater chance at success.

Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (Who, What, Where, Why) 

 ​   Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (Who, What, Where, Why).

Measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal
   Measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met?

Achievable: stretch and challenging goals within ability to achieve outcom.  What is the action-oriented verb?
   Achievable: Stretch and challenging goals within ability to achieve outcome.  What is the action-oriented verb?

Relevant: How does the goal tie into your key responsibilities?  How
   Relevant: How does the goal tie into your key responsibilities?  How is it aligned to objectives?

Time-bound: Set 1 or more target dates, the "by when" to
   Time-bound: Set 1 or more target dates, the "by when" to guide your goal to successful and timely completion.

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