Next Generation Effects/Precision Strike
Focus on advanced technology concepts and materials associated with the application of effects from non-lethal through overmatching lethality. These technologies may include, Electronic Warfare (EW), Directed Energy (DE), kinetic weapons, munitions, devices and fire control systems. The major developmental goal is a standalone effects system which gives an operator or platform the ability to tailor the effects directed onto a target, ranging from incapacitation up through and including scalable effects, allowing for a wider range of non-kinetic and/or kinetic effects on the enemy without increasing the logistical burden on a small SOF formation.
The major developmental goal is a standalone effects system which gives an operator or platform the ability to tailor the effects directed onto a target, ranging from incapacitation up through and including scalable effects, allowing for a wider range of non-kinetic and/or kinetic effects on the enemy without increasing the logistical burden on a small SOF formation.